
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Studio Project: Map Wrapped Boxes

Oh. my. word.  Have I really been working on my Studio since July?  Geez louise.  In my defense, I had to wait to get this awesome Vittsjo shelf from Ikea, did some garage organization, reorganized my pantry, reorganized my linen closet, finished a complete bathroom overhaul, and had to deal with the holidays, so at least I did manage to get some things accomplished.  But, the main reason I haven't finished the studio is because the leftover things that need to be organized is all the piddly stuff that don't have "homes".  So, this is why this last part has been a struggle.  I accomplished some things in the room last week and finally came up with a game plan, so *hopefully* that will get done very soon.  

Some of you may or may not know, but I loooooooooooove maps.  Love them.  Always have and always will.  I used to stare & study them and daydream about where I wanted to go.  And since I'm a lover of maps, I've managed to gather a good collection of them (and they were all free! You can get them from your hotels, when you get a rental car, AAA.  I just grab them when I see 'em).   Anyways, I had some old photo boxes that had a nice palm tree pattern on them.  They were still in good condition and although the palm tree pattern isn't bad, it just doesn't fit in with my decor.  So, the boxes were just sitting around, not being used to their full potential.   

So, I grabbed a couple of maps and used them to cover the photo boxes.  On one box, I used Mod Podge, which was a bit of a pain to get the air bubbles out (they never completely came out, so it's a good thing maps have lines - helps hide the bubbly bits) and the other box, I used double-stick tape and a bit of Mod Podge on the edges.  This 2nd process was much easier, by the way.  I just cut the pieces for each side (the maps weren't big enough to wrap the boxes like you would a gift - I figured that you don't ever see the bottom of the box, so I left the bottoms "as-is") and stuck the pieces on.  The boxes already had the metal plates on them, so I used an Xacto knife to cut the paper around it.  Then, I slapped on a label and called them done. 

Now I can use them for much-needed storage, all while they sit there looking pretty awesome.  I'll just have to try not to stare at them & daydream and actually get some projects done.

Originally posted by Adventures in DIY

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cork Heart

I'm usually not big on Valentine's Day - to me it's just another day.  I don't mind doing something small for it, but I feel like there shouldn't be a special day to show the people in your life that you love them.  It should be something that you do on a regular basis, right?   But, Kim at Sand & Sisal shared her Valentine's Cork Heart project and I just had to make one for myself.  I mean, I do have 2 huge bags of never-used corks sitting around waiting for me to create something with them!

So, here is my "something small" for Valentine's Day.

It was really easy to make and only took about 15 minutes.  I just placed my corks in a heart shape on the table and glued the corks together (using hot glue) one by one.  It was seriously that easy.  Now go make yourself one.

Originally posted by Adventures in DIY

Friday, February 7, 2014

Chair Style Guide: One Kings Lane

I was recently contacted by One Kings Lane to feature my style profile for their Chair Style Guide.  I jumped at the chance because One Kings Lane is pretty awesome!

If you look at the guide, there is a chart and you start by picking your style:  Classic or Modern.  Next, you'll choose which material you prefer.  Then, you'll choose another style among the list, which will then lead you to pictures of chairs.  It's a great way to help you choose a chair if you're on the hunt for one!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Winter Blooms

I know a lot of our country is experiencing some crazy winter weather right now, but here in Southern California, we haven't had much of a winter.  In fact, up until last week, our temps were in the mid- 70s to mid-80s.  We ended up getting some much needed rain and clouds at the end of last week, but still pretty mild compared to other places.

I think with all the nice weather, it's been freaking out my plants.  My calla lilies are starting to bloom.

My gerber daisies surprised me by blooming 5 flowers!  They've never grown in that many at the same time.

And my snapdragons, which I thought were long gone, are making an appearance.

For those of you who have been stuck with some bad snow & icy weather, stay warm!

Originally posted by Adventures in DIY