
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Smells Like Disneyland in My House!

Life is starting to get back to normal - I had house guests for most of the last 2 weeks, so I decided to halt all projects until after they left.  I will be starting up with some small projects soon and am a bit anxious to get those started.  Sometimes I just want to be done with all projects, but if there aren't any projects for too long, I get the itch to get things going again.  :)

Today, I wanted to share this with you.  My brother got me an awesome popcorn machine for my birthday last year.  I didn't want to deal with the clean-up, so I didn't use it right away and next thing I know almost a year has gone by.  Yikes.  My awesome bloggy friend, Brenda at Chatting Over Chocolate inspired me to use my machine with her super cute Popcorn & Pixie Dust post and I thought that it would be the perfect time to try it out while my guests were here.

Like that action photo?   :)  In addition to getting me the machine, he also got me popcorn bags and packets of popcorn kernels & oil (yep - he's an awesome big brother!).  Now, my favorite popcorn of all time is Disneyland's popcorn.  I love me tons of butter on my popcorn at the movie theater, but Disneyland's doesn't use the extra butter poured on and it is still somehow the best. One of my best friends works at Disneyland and she found out that they use coconut oil when they make it, so we figured that's what made it special.

So, I noticed on the kernel packets, it says the oil is coconut oil!  Oh. my. word.  This was the best popcorn I have ever made at home.  It tasted just like Disneyland popcorn!!  In fact, I had gone outside for a second and when I went back inside the house I said "it smells just like Disneyland in here!".  Sooooooo yummy!  I would suggest you try that brand of popcorn if you get a chance.  You don't have to have one of these machines to make it, although using it is very fun!

And in case you're wondering, the metal kernel popper inside the machine is a bit of a pain to clean, but not too bad.  It takes a bit of work, but you can get it clean - just follow the directions.  :)

Originally posted by: Adventures in DIY

1 comment:

  1. You've actually managed to make me hungry for popcorn at 6:25am!! ;) I definitely need to try it with coconut oil soon! Sounds AMAZING!! I so appreciate you sharing a link to my blog & my Popcorn & Pixie Dust post!! Everything about this post made my heart happy! I need my house to smell like Disney ASAP ... sounds magical {&Delicious}!! :*)

    Have a fantastic day, Chrissy!


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