
Monday, January 28, 2013

Jujubeez - No Bake Cookies

Hello there!  I hope everyone had a good weekend.  We actually had a lot of rain this weekend here in Southern California, which we really needed.  It's just funny because any kind of rain turns into "Stormwatch" on the news.  I actually enjoy the rain, so I quite enjoyed it  :)

Today, I have a very easy no-bake cookie recipe for you.  And it's super yummy too!  My friend at work shared this recipe with me several years ago and I've been making them ever since.  The cookie recipe doesn't have a name, so my other friend and I named them after our friend that shared the recipe - Jujubeez (obviously that's not her real name - it's her nickname).

*Peanut Butter
*Ritz Crackers (I use the store brand)
*CandiQuik chocolate (you can probably use other melting chocolates, although I've never tried)

1)  Spread peanut butter on top of a Ritz cracker and then put another Ritz cracker on top to make little sandwiches.

2)  Once you've made all your little sandwiches, melt your chocolate according to the directions on the package of chocolate.

3)  With tongs, dip your sandwich into the chocolate and make sure it's completely covered.

4)  Lay the finished ones onto wax paper and let them cool.  You'll know when are "done" because the chocolate will have dried & hardened.

5)  Then, wah la!  You're done!  I made 32 with 2 rows of Ritz crackers and 1 package of chocolate.  I probably could have made more, but there were some broken crackers.

I was a bad blogger and didn't make a nice display for a pretty picture.  I was taking them to work the next day, so they just went straight into a big ziplock bag.  And a couple of them may or may not have been eaten before I even got to work.  :)

Originally posted by: Adventures of DIY

Linked up to:
Creatively Living's Monday Funday link party

Home Stories A to Z Tutorials & Tips link party


  1. What a great recipe - wonder if you could put marshmallow spread instead of peanut butter - or raspberry jam even as the center?
    hmm - or nutella - double chocolate!!!

  2. My husband's grandma makes these every Christmas ... so good! After seeing how yummy yours look, I think I need to make some here again very soon! ;*)

    I've enjoyed exploring your cute blog this morning!

    Your Newest GFC Follower :),

  3. I have never seen the candi quick, how great! These look so yummy! I just started a new link party and would love for you to come over and share your post or any social media sites. Talkin’ About Thursday -

  4. They look so delicious!!
    Great post!! I included it in my post Βόλτα στη Γειτονιά #21 :)
    Have a great week!!

  5. These look so yummy, its beena ges since I've eaten ritz crackers, I'll definitely have to give this a go. Thanks for stopping by and linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday :D

  6. These look so yummy :D Will definitely have to try them, thanks for linking up at Sweet and Savoury Sunday :D

    1. Thanks, Tash! They are really tasty and hard to eat just one. :)


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