
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Projects In The Works

It's been quiet on the blog, but not-so-quiet on the homefront.  There's been lots of things going on, all the while I've been trying to fit in projects when I can.

I think I mentioned before that I've been in the process of making a plank headboard.   I ended up buying a Kreg Jig so that I could go with Plan B, which will make it easier to finish up the project.  I played around with it tonight and am loving it so far!

I actually had to put the headboard on hold for a bit since I helped make decorations for my friend's daughter's birthday party, which was last weekend.  (I thought I was going to have a couple of posts about the decorations, but I sort of forgot to take pictures of the finished products.  Oops.)  But, I'm hoping to have the headboard finished up soon.

I also want to make a few gifts, which I'll need to get done in the next couple of weeks, so I need to get on that - especially because my ideas are pretty ambitious and using processes I've never done before.

So, that's what's been going on - busy, busy, busy and several unfinished projects in progress.  I hope everyone is enjoying their summer - I know I sure am!

Originally posted by Adventures in DIY

Monday, June 9, 2014

Duluth Trading Co. Gift Card Winners - Father's Day Giveaway

Hey all!  I've been busy working on some crafty projects lately - decorations for my friend's daughter's upcoming birthday party.   I'll share those in some upcoming posts.  I also finally got the remaining supplies to finish the headboard I was working on, so I can finally finish that up after I'm done with these party decorations.

So, are you ready for the 2 winners of the $50 Duluth Trading Company gift cards?  This was my very first giveaway, so I was really excited to have this opportunity to do this for you guys!

And the winners are........

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Maleficent at the El Capitan

Maleficent opened last weekend - did you see it yet?  I saw it on Saturday at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood in 3D.  I won't give anything away, but it was awesome and Angelina Jolie was perfection!  She WAS Maleficent.  They did a really wonderful job with the storyline - such an interesting version of this old tale!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Father's Day: Duluth Trading Co Gift Card Giveway

Can you believe it's already June?  Father's Day is coming up pretty quickly here and I have a great giveaway for you guys!

Duluth Trading Company has very kindly given me 2 $50 gift cards to giveaway to my readers in honor of Father's Day!  Check out Duluth's website to see what kind of awesome goodies they have.
Via Duluth Trading Co
Feel free to enter the giveaway below (make sure your email address is included so I can get in touch with you in case you win) and leave a comment letting me know what you buy with your gift card (if you can't leave a comment due to technical difficulties, no worries - you're still eligible).  And remember - I have TWO gift cards to give away, so there will be 2 lucky winners.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Originally posted by Adventures in DIY